"The art of coaching is unlocking people’s potential to maximize their own performance." - Sir John Whitmore

Our session will be

  • Personalised

    Tailored specifically to your career aspirations and personal background, each session is crafted to align with your unique journey in IT or Cybersecurity. I take into account your skills, experiences, and goals to provide a customized coaching experience. This personalized approach ensures that you receive relevant and actionable advice, allowing for a more direct and effective path to achieving your objectives.

  • Targeted

    Our sessions are laser-focused on the areas that matter most to your professional development and career aspirations. Whether it's honing in on specific technical skills, understanding the cybersecurity landscape, or navigating the IT job market, we concentrate our efforts on the topics that will make the most significant impact on your career trajectory. This targeted approach maximizes the value of our time together, ensuring efficient and effective learning.

  • Highly Interactive

    Each session is designed to be a two-way street, encouraging open dialogue and active participation. You'll engage in real-time discussions, ask questions, and share your thoughts and experiences. This interactive approach ensures that your specific needs are addressed, making every session uniquely beneficial to you.

How you’ll feel

Empowered and confident, with the clarity to advance your IT or cybersecurity career.


  • Kickstart with Insight: Your initial consultation is on us! Dive into personalized guidance and explore your career potential in IT or cybersecurity, absolutely free.

  • Value Beyond the First Step: While your first session is complimentary, subsequent consultations are investment opportunities in your career's future, providing ongoing, customized support at a cost.

  • Your Questions, Answered: Make the most of this no-cost session to address any queries about your tech career trajectory. It’s the perfect starting point to understand how my services can benefit you.

  • Journey Towards Success: Begin your path to success in the tech world with my expert guidance. Let's map out your future steps together, starting with a free consultation that could transform your career.

Person on a call


What exactly can I expect from my free consultation?

In your free consultation, expect a focused conversation where we discuss your career goals in IT or cybersecurity, assess your current skill level, and identify potential challenges. We'll provide initial guidance on career paths, necessary skills, and answer any specific questions you have about entering or advancing in the field.

How are subsequent sessions priced after the initial free consultation?

After your complimentary session, I offer various coaching packages tailored to your needs and goals. Pricing varies based on the package chosen, which includes different levels of support, resources, and access to expertise. I'll outline all options during your free consultation to find the best fit for your career aspirations and budget.

How long does it usually take to see results from coaching?

The timeline varies based on individual goals, effort, and starting point. However, many clients begin to see tangible progress, such as increased knowledge, skill enhancement, or career advancement opportunities, within a few months of consistent coaching and dedicated personal effort. My aim is to equip you with the skills and confidence to make meaningful strides in your career as efficiently as possible.

What makes your coaching service unique?

My service stands out because of its personalized and targeted approach. I don't just offer generic advice; I tailor every session to your specific career goals, ensuring you receive relevant, actionable guidance. My focus on integrating practical skills with theoretical knowledge prepares you for real-world IT and cybersecurity challenges..

Can you help me if I'm completely new to IT or cybersecurity?

Absolutely! My coaching is designed for individuals at all levels, including beginners. I'll help you understand the basics, guide you through the foundational skills needed, and create a plan to develop your expertise from the ground up, setting a clear path for your career in IT or cybersecurity.

Is coaching suitable for someone looking to switch careers into IT or cybersecurity?

Definitely. My coaching is ideal for career changers aiming to enter the IT or cybersecurity fields. I understand the challenges of transitioning careers and offer a tailored roadmap that leverages your existing skills while addressing the technical knowledge needed for your new path. I'll guide you through acquiring relevant skills and preparing for the job market, ensuring a smooth and successful transition into your new career path.